Week 1 blender objects

Week 1 KIT207 Devlog
This week involved the blender self study modelling. The first task was to recreate a barrel from Studio Kavod's tutorial linked below:
this is my attempt, reasonably similar to the intended outcome, however something did go wrong with the initial shaping of the barrel.
Decently barrel-like barrel model.
The next task, was to create a tourist sight / sight you'd see in Tasmania. For lack of a better idea, I decided to attempt to create the top part of GPO's clocktower in Hobart (image below).

Below is my recreation in blender, noting that this is essentially my first time using the software.
Of course, the architecture isn't as detailed, some parts are missing like the overhang above the clock and some indents on the walls, however that exceeded the time I was willing to put into this project, especially considering the texturing involved. I also made several mistakes when unwrapping and texturing the individual parts of the tower, to the point where I was unable to do any finer detailing as where I painted didn't correspond to what actually got painted on the model. Yes, the flag is scuffed and stretched, I don't know why, or how to fix that. Separate textures were used to create the different colours between the top dome of the tower, and the sandstone colouring of the rest, as well as the clock display.
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