Devlog Week 5

Devlog 5

Wow, another productive week! Still have so much work in other subjects but oh well!

Things that got done this week:

  • Boss arms maneuvered
  • Boss arms now move to specific positions based on attack
  • Spikes look nicer
  • Laser looks nicer
  • Off stage deathbox put in
  • Lose screen, restart menu and victory screen put in
  • Menu music and boss music setup and volume sliders put in game
  • Boss intro put in with cool particles and it syncs with music

The music was the main event of this week, and I used two tracks, one from One Piece as I found a fitting piece and another from Attack on Titan, both from composers I listen to on youtube. Put a lot of effort into balancing the sound effects and making sure the game didn’t start with the sound being too loud. Also a pause screen was added so you can take a breather and adjust sound volume. This can’t be done in the boss intro since it messes with the music

Look at the nice bloom on the UI! It’s so cool!

Look at the sound effects sliders and that! Wow!

Look at the arms on the boss! That stuff was painful to do!

Look at the different positions of the arms! This sort of helps players distinguish which attacks are coming up! Ignore the layering issues! 

Also planning to add an attack with the four arms that incentivises the player to pogo on the boss head. Also, not sure if mentioned in last weeks devlog, but made the spikes solid white instead of black as easier to recognize initially, and easier to see when they appear

So spiky!!! 

Have 8 responses on my google form, my priorities for next week in order based on feedback:

  • Difficulty adjustment or difficulty settings
  • New attack / attacks
  • End screen and reward for winning
  • Visual clarity
  • Fix any layering issues, bugs, visual problems, polish, etc.
  • Want to add bloom to the menu since it looks nicer (bloom fixes everything)

Massive thanks to those that took the time to play the game, even if it was frustratingly difficult to people new to the genre, and to those who took the time to fill out the feedback form!

No this Devlog isn’t late I didn’t forget about it until too late trust


Week 4 Play in browser
May 24, 2024

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